A Queen's Stories


Thanks to my activities, I can always meet a number of very nice people. It is always a great pleasure for me to receive feedback on my work from them after a project, you can read a couple of them below.
I update this page regularly.

It was a pleasure to work with Viktória Vas from the beginning! During our exchange of letters, common reflection, being in pursuit of solutions, spirit of openness, and thoroughness characterized her.
As the event and the date of meeting-in-person approached, everyone was already very enthusiastic! In the role of Queen Elisabeth, Viktória simply impressed the visitors, the nearly one thousand people, who came to the Savaria Museum on the Night of Museums. Her delightful appearance, the sophistication of her movements and speech charmed even the critical Sisi fans from Szombathely!
Despite of the high temperature in a heavy dress and the long hours of fares, she constantly impersonated Queen Elisabeth with a smile and kindness. She found a common voice with both children and adults, and thanks to her we were enriched with wonderful memories and an extremely successful event.
We heartily recommend the radiant beauty of Viktória’s personality and her valuable programs to all interested parties!

Employees of the Savaria Museum

„As I watched Viktória Vas’ performance, I felt as if Elisabeth was telling us about her life and her innermost feelings, thoughts, and hopes in person. It was a very heartfelt, moving, and lovely experience. She did not appear before us as a distant historical figure, but as a mother, wife, woman, and queen who is charming, direct and majestic, honest, and full of love at the same time. She brought Elisabeth even closer to me”.
Anikó Wéber
Writer and journalist

„She is one of the most prepared speakers in the country. You can see that she really lives the character, not just grinding something out like so many others. When she spoke about her „son”, I thought I was going to cry. She really has the talent!”
Ádám Németh
Mare Temporis Foundation for Historical Traditions

“Dear Viki!
There are dream projects in life. That was it. We loved every minute of it and it just blew away the fatigue of Saturday’s workdays 😊
I wish you would always stay like this and come to us a lot! EVERYONE is glad to meet you every time because you bought EVERYONE in 1 minute <3
Take care of yourself and I hope there will be a reunion sooner than later. ”

Nikolett Melinda Harányi
Museum Educator
Hungarian National Museum